Sunday, August 25, 2013

Download KMSpico v8.5 Final, Activator Windows and Office

Haramain Software - KMSpico v8.5 final merupakan activator yang sebenarnya dirancang untuk windows 8, namun bukan berarti selain windows 8 tidak bisa karena KMSpico ini terbukti mampu mengaktivasi Windows 8, windows 7, windows vista dan juga windows server.
Selain mengaktivasi windows, KMSpico juga terbukti mampu digunakan untuk aktivasi office 2010 dan office 2013, sehingga bagi sahabat haramain software yang merasa kesusahan dalam aktivasi office 2010 maupun 2013, gunakan KMSpico ini sebagai activator karena sudah terbukti mampu membuat office 2010 dan office 2013 menjadi full version dan juga KMSpico v8.5 ini sudah bisa digunakan pada windows 8.1 preview.
Untuk pengguna selain windows 8,wajib sudah terinstall netframework pada PC yang di gunakan.

Screenshot :

With KMSpico Can :
  • Windows Vista Bussines
  • Windows 7 Professional/Enterprise
  • Windows 8 Core/Professional/ProWMC
  • Windows (8.1 Preview)
  • Office 2010/2013
  • Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Extract menggunakan winrar
  2. buka folder KMSpico Install
  3. Jalankan KMSpico_Install_v8.5.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  4. Jalankan programnya
  5. Enjoy
 Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Download Avast Internet Security 8.0.1489.300 Full + License Key

Haramain software - Avast internet security adalah antivirus avast versy tertinggi dan paling lengkap diantara versi avast yang lain.
Berhubung sudah lama haramain software tidak membagikan avast internet security, maka sekarang haramain software akan bagikan Avast internet security versy terbaru yaitu avast internet security 8.0.1489.300 dan tentusaja akan saya lengkapi dengan license key-nya agar menjadi full version.
Avast internet security sendiri adalah salah satu dari sepuluh besar antivirus terbaik di dunia.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, sobat bisa coba gunakan antivirust avast internet security ini dan lihat hasilnya.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara menggunakan licensenya :
  1. Buka Avast internet Security sobat ( Sebelumnya matikan koneksi internet sobat )
  2. Jika ada tombol Activate now, klik activate now.
  3. Jika tidak ada tombol activate now, klik menu MAINTENANCE kemudian klik Registration
  4. Pilih Insert License Now. kemudian pilih salah satu license yg sudah sobat download tadi dan klik Ok
  5. Jika ada instruksi yang keluar Klik Yes saja.
Nb : Gunakan salah satu License key yang masih aktif. Jika semua license mati sialhkan tinggalkan pesan agar bisa diupdate license keynya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Download Advanced SystemCare Pro Final Full Version

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan sebuah software utility andalan admin haramain software yaitu Advanced SystemCare Pro
Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah sangat tahu dengan advanced systemcare pro 6.4.289 ini, karena advanced systemcare merupakan software utility tang diterbitkan oleh iobit dan sampai saat ini termasuk dari salah satu dari sepuluh besar software utility terbaik di dunia dan juga andalan admin haramain software.
Advanced systemcare pro 6.4.289 ini memiliki fugsi yag sangat banyak yaitu membunuh malware, mestabilka koeksi iternet, memperbaiki registry yag rusak, menghapus junk files, dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Jika Link serial diatas bermasalah silahkan gunakan linkalternatif dibawah ini

Cara Install :

  1. Jalankan asc-setup.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Matikan koneksi internet sobat
  3. Buka Advanced systemCare yang sudah diistall
  4. Kemudian pilih upgrade dan gunakan salah satu serial untuk meregistrasi
  5. Selesai. ( Jika takut di blacklist, pergi ke C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 6 dan kemudian delete "autoupdate.exe" )
  6. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Download Google Chrome 29.0.1547.57 Stable Offline Installer

Haramain Software - Halo sahabat haramain software, Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan google chrome stable kepada sahabat haramain software dan yang haramain software bagikan ini adalah versi offline yang bisa sahabat haramain software install secara offline tanpa harus tersambung ke internet.
Google chrome adalah browser yang saat ini banyak diminati oleh pengguna PC didunia karena banyak yang mengatakan kalau google chrome adalah browser yang stabil dibandingkan dengan browser yang lain. Namun semua itu bergantung pada kita semua yang mana yang lebih kita sukai baik itu google chrome atau browser yang lain seperti mozilla firefox, internet explore, comodo dragon, safari dan lain-lain.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download jalankan hasil downloadnya
  2. Tunggu sampai muncul shortcut di desktop sobat
  3. selesai
Selamat mendownload dan menggunakan browser google chromedan jangan lupa jika sahabat haramain software merasa kalau blog ini membantu sahabat haramain software, bantu kami juga dengan cara klik tanda G +1 atau share.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Download IDM 6.17 Build 8 Final Full Version + Patch 100% Working

Haramain Software - IDM atau internet download manager sekarang sudah menerbitkan versi terbarunya yaitu Internet download manager 6.17 build 8 final.
Seberti biasanya haramain biasa seminggu sekali mengupdate versi terbarunya setelah seminggu yang lalu haramain software membagikian internet download manager 6.17 build 7 dan kali ini haramain software akan bagikan Internet Download Manager 6.17 build 8 final yang tentu saja lebih baik dari versi sebelumnya.
IDM 6.17 build 8 yang haramain software bagikan ini sudah tentu saja saya lengkapi dengan patchnya agar bisa menjadi full version dan jika sahabat semua mengalami masalah registrasi bisa menggunakan patch ini dengan sangat mudah.

Screenshot :

Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Setelah download, jalankan idman617b8.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
  2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan, matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
  3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
  4. kemudian klik patch
  5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
  6. Kemudian klik OK
  7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat salam admin haramain software.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Download Game Lost Planet 2 Full Crack For PC

Haramain Software - Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game yang super seru yaitu game lost planet 2.
Game lost planet 2 adalah game third person shooter yang dikembangkan dan dipublikasikan oleh capcom dan yang harus sahabat haramain software ketahui kalau game ini sangat laris manis dan begitu banyak peminat dari game ini dan bahkan capcom sendiri mengungkapkan bahwa game lost planet 2 ini terjual smpai lebih dari 1.5 juta eksemplar diseluruh dunia.
Game lost planet ini adalah game skuel dari lost planet : Extreme condition dan latar dari tempat berlangsungnya game ini adalah di planet fiksi yang sama.
Pada game lost planet 2 ini kita akan menghadapi banyak mahluk sejenis alien dari berbagai jenis baik itu hewan alien dan sampai monster alien juga akan menjadi tantangan yang sangat luar biasa dan yang pasti game ini super seru.

Screenshot :

Gameplay :

Minimum System Requirements :
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core2Duo
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 13GB
  • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 7800/ATI Radeon HD2400
Link Download :

Cara Install :
  1. Mount DVD 1 Menggunakan daemon tools
  2. Install game via autoplay
  3. Ketika diminta insert DVD 2 maka mount lagi DVD 2 dan lanjutkan installasi
  4. Copy Crack SKIDROW ke folder tempat menginstall game ini
  5. Mainkan
  6. Enjoy
Selamat mendownload dan bermain game lost planet 2 dan semoga terhibur.

IDM 6.17 Build 8 Full + Patch

 IDM 6.17 Build 8 Full + Patch

Download Mediafire IDM 6.17 Build 8 Full Version with Patch  - IDM 6.17 Build 8 Full + Patch has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager 6.17 Full + Patch Build 8 segments downloaded files dynamically during download process.

Main Features:
  • All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications.
  • Easy downloading with one click. When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols.
  • Download Speed Acceleration. Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
  • Download Resume. Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off.

What’s new in version 6.17 Build 8
(Released: Aug 17, 2013)

• Resolved problems with downloading videos from several sites

Homepage –

Download Here

    IObit Malware Fighter Pro Full + Keygen

    IObit Malware Fighter Pro Full Mediafire Keygen Patch Download-  is an advanced malware & spyware removal utility that detects, removes the deepest infections, and protects your PC from various of potential spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, bots, worms, and hijackers. With the improved, unique "Dual-Core" engine and the heuristic malware detection, IObit Malware Fighter Pro Full + keygen detects the most complex and deepest spyware and malware in a very fast and efficient way.

    Main of IObit Malware Fighter Pro Full + keygen:

    • One-click Solution and Very Easy to Use - Traditional advantages of IObit products. We love simple and automatic styles.
    • Complete PC Security Care - Anti-malware, anti-spyware, anti-adware, anti-trojan, anti-bots, and more. IObit Malware Fighter can assist your antivirus to defend any tricky and complex threats.
     Download Here

    Sunday, August 18, 2013

    Download Game The Walking Dead Survival Instinct Full Iso + Crack For PC

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game lagi kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu game The walking dead survival instinct. Kalau sebelumnya haramain software membagikan game resident evil, kali ini yang haramain software bagikan adalah game yang mirip dengan resident evil yaitu sama-sama melawan zombi walaupun zombinya berbeda.
    Game The walking dead survival instinct ini adalah game single player first person shooter yang dipublikasikan oleh Activision yang tidak kalah seru dengan game-game horor lainnya seperti resident evil atau sejenisnya karena game the ealking dead survival instinct ini sangat seru untuk dimainkan.
    Kalu sahabat haramain suka bermain game shooter dengan tema zombi, maka jangan sampai ketinggalan dengan game yang satu ini karena benar benar seru dan cukup mendebarkan.

    Screenshot :

    Minimum System Requirements :
    • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
    • Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
    • Memory: 2GB
    • Hard disk space: 5GB
    • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GT330/ATI Radeon HD6530
    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Mount menggunakan daemon tools
    2. Install game via autoplay
    3. Copy crack dan pastekan ditempat sobat menginstall game ini
    4. Mainkan ( Untuk windows 7 jalankan dengan cara run as administrator )
    5. Enjoy
    Selamat mendownload dan bermain game the walking dead survival instinct dan semoga terhibur.

    Download Game PAYDAY 2 Full Iso For PC

    Haramain Software - Game yang haramain software bagikan ini tidak kalah seru dengan game-game yang sudah haramain software share sebelumnya.
    Seperti namanya PAYDAY ini adalah game first person shooter yang dimana pemain dan timnya melakukan perampokan pada bank.
    Game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah sequel dari Payday: The Heist dan game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah game yang baru diterbitkan pada tahun 2013 ini yaitu beberapa ari yang lalu yaitu tanggal 13 Agustus 2013.
    Game PAYDAY 2 ini adalah game yang dikembangkan oleh Overkill Software dan dipublikasikan oleh 505 Games.
    Jika sahabat haramain software penasaran dengan game PAYDAY 2 ini, silahkan bisa lihat screenshot dan gameplaynya.

    Screenshot :

    Gameplay :

    Minimum System Requirements :
    1. OS: Windows XP SP3
    2. Processor: Intel Dual Core 2Ghz
    3. Memory: 2GB
    4. Hard disk space: 10GB
    5. VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD2600
    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Mount DVD1 menggunakan daemon tools
    2. Install game via autoplay
    3. Ketika diminta insert DVD2, mount lagi DVD2 menggunakan daemon tools
    4. Lanjutkan iinstallasi sampai selesai
    5. Mainkan
    6. Enjoy
    Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat haramain software.

    Saturday, August 17, 2013

    Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full + Serial

    Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full Mediafire Patch Crack Download

    Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full Mediafire Patch Crack Download is a powerful desktop solution that gives you a rich toolset for animation design and screensaver building. Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full + Serial - Flexible and easy-to-use tools now let you create animated screensavers in an entirely new way.

    Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full Mediafire Patch Crack Download - As opposed to old-fashioned slideshow screensaver builders, with Animated Screensaver Maker you are able to turn your photos into live animated scenes with fire, water, or optical effects, zhonreturn and then enliven them with flaring lightings, pouring rain, falling leaves and may other options. Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full + Serial - You can also import your own animated gif files. Then you can save the result as a screensaver in one click and easily share it with your friends and family.

    Key Features of Animated Screensaver Maker 3.2.5 Full + Serial:

        * Many animated objects such as swimming fish, swaying plants, rain, falling snow, and so on.
        * Creating your own screensaver in less than a minute.
        * An old-fashioned slideshow screensaver mode.
        * Options to save a screensaver in .SCR format or install it on your computer instantly.
        * Support for animated gif and all other image formats (jpeg, bmp, tga, etc).
        * Many samples and useful articles (see Gallery and FAQ sections).

    Download Here

    WebcamMax Full + Keygen & Patch

    WebcamMax Full + Keygen & Patch- Stream videos, movies, flash, desktop screen, pictures to virtual webcam; add floating text, frame, zhonreturn, transform, emotion effects over real webcam. For all webcam programs (MSN, ICQ, AIM, Skype, Camfrog, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger and etc). WebcamMax Full + Keygen & Patch - Your chat mate will be attracted by your webcam. More than 1500 effects online. DIY webcam effects. Webcam video recorder. Webcam snap. Share webcam in 16 programs. Fast switch between virtual and real webcam.

    Key features of WebcamMax Full + Keygen & Patch:

        * For all webcam programs, such as ICQ, AIM, MSN, Camfrog, Skype, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger.
        * Virtual webcam or enhance real webcam.
        * Videos and movies to webcam.
        * Desktop screen to webcam.
        * Pictures to webcam.
        * Floating text over webcam.
        * Frame effects over webcam.
        * Transform effects over webcam.
        * Emotion effects over webcam.
        * Webcam effects update weekly online.
        * Webcam video recorder.
        * Webcam snap.
        * Fast switch between virtual and real webcam.
        * Share webcam in 16 programs.
        * DIY webcam effects.
        * OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit).

    Download Here

    Friday, August 16, 2013

    Download Game Hitman Sniper Challenge Full Iso + Fix For PC

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game Hitman sniper challenge. Sahabat haramain software pasti sudah banyak juga yang tahu game Hitman karena hitman tidak hanya 1 game melainkan ada beberapa game dan salah satunya adalah Hitman sniper challenge.
    Game Hitman Sniper Challenge ini cukup terkenal dikalangan gamer karena memang game hitman sniper challenge ini sangat seru dan juga memiliki grafhic yang sangat bagus sehingga membuat game ini terlihat nyata.
    Sesuai dengan nama game ini, kita disini akan menjadi sniper yang dimana kita harus menyelesaikan banyak misi yang lumayan sulit dan seperti yang kita tahu kalau sniper tidak boleh sampai ketahuan ketika menembak targetnya.
    Jika penasaran silahkan lihat pada screenshotnya agar lebih jelas bagaimana game hitman sniper challenge ini.

    Screenshot :

    Minimum System Requirements :
    • Supported operating systems: Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista / 7
    • Dual Core Processor 2 GHz 
    • 2 GB of RAM 
    • 1.6 GB of free hard disk space 
    • 3D-graphics adapter with 512 MB of memory (NV8600 or equivalent AMD) 
    • DirectX ® 10.0
    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Mount Menggunakan daemon tools
    2. Install game via autoplay
    3. Download Fix kemudian extract ketempat sobat menginstall game ini
    4. Mainkan
    5. Enjoy
    Selamat mendownload dan semoga terhibur. bantu admin juga menyebarluaskan blog ini jika sobat berkenan dengan cara klik G +1.

    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    Download Game Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2 Full Crack For PC

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikangame yang direquest oleh sahabat haramain software dan baru bisa saya share karena harus admin uji terlebih dahulu gamenya apakah work atau tidak dan setelah terbukti work baru bisa saya share kepada sahabat haramain software.
    Sahabat haramain software sudah tau kan dengan game yang satu ini ? kalau belum tahu, game H.A.W.K.2 adalah game pesawat tempur yang dimana kita akan menyelesaikan banyak misi menggunakan pesawat.
    Game Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.2 ini adalah game yang dipublikasikan oleh ubisoft dan termasuk game yang cukup populer.
    Jika sahabat haramain software suka dengan game H.A.W.X yang pertama, maka sahabat haramain software jangan sampai melewatkan game H.A.W.X.2 ini karena sudah tentu saja semakin seru daripada sebelumnya. dan grafhic juga lebih bagus.

    Screenshot :

    Minimum System Requirements :
    • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
    • Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2
    • Memory: 2GB
    • Hard disk space: 6GB
    • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 8500GT/ATI Radeon HD2600
    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Mount menggunakan Daemon Tools
    2. Install Game via autoplay sampai selesai
    3. Install Updatenya
    4. Copy crack dan pastekan ketempat sobat menginstall game ini
    5. Enjoy.
    Selamat mendownload dan bermain.

    IDM 6.18 Full + Patch

    IDM 6.18 Full + PatchInternet Download Manager IDM 6.18 Full + Patch - reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line.Internet Download Manager can dial your modem.

    Download Here

    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    Download Mozilla Firefox 23.0 Final 2013 All Language

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan browser mozilla firefox versi final yang terbaru yaitu mozilla firefox 23.0 final dan yang haramain software bagikan kali ini juga adalah all language atau semua bahasa agar sahabat haramain software bisa lebih mudah memilih ingin menggunakan bahasa apa yang diinginkan namun yang perlu diketahui tidak ada bahasa daerah.
    Mozilla firefox adalah salah satu browser yang banyak digunakan oleh manusia di seluruh dunia karena begitu banyak add ons yang terdapat pada mozilla firefox dan juga cara penggunaannya yang relatif mudah dan sangat user friendly.
    Mungkin sahabat haramain software memiliki andalan masing-masing dalam hal browser karena tidak hanya 1 browser di dunia ini melainkan cukup banyak seperti google chrome, internet explore, opera, dan lain-lain.

    Screenshot :

    Link Download :

    Selamat mendownload browser mozilla firefox 23.0 ini dan jangan lupa bantu haramain software dengan cara like atau share blog haramain software dimana saja baik lewat jejaring sosial atau lainnya dan itu sudah cukup membantu admin haramain software.

    Sunday, August 11, 2013

    ACDSee Video Converter Pro Full + Keygen

    ACDSee Video Converter Pro Full + Keygen - Including Keymaker CORE Software takes the guesswork out of converting video files. Quickly and easily convert 720p and 1080p HD video files between the most popular media formats for high quality playback on mobile devices, including the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S III. Upload your videos

    ACDSee Video Converter Pro Full + Keygen - YouTube, and post to Facebook,and Twitter, for convenient one-stop sharing. You can also extract your favorite MP3 audio from downloaded video files. Go with the Pro version to do even more with your videos: burn and rip DVDs, watch handy previews, adjust the volume, create still images, and trim your favorite segments.

    Main of ACDSee Video Converter Pro Full + Keygen:

    • Multiple videos, multiple formats - Add a group of videos to your list and choose a different output format for each. Press the Start button to begin batch converting all the videos on your list. You can even set the program to close after the batch conversion is done, or pause and restart at your convenience.
    • Convert videos and audio among all popular file formats - Convert between all kinds of video and audio formats, including: AVI, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, MOV, VOB, MPG, PSP, M4V, VCD, DVD, ARM, ASF, AVS, SWF, MPEG, MTV, OGG, H261, H263, H264, MP3, M2TS and more.
    • Share Online - Show your videos to friends, family and the world. Optimize and upload your videos to YouTube, right from ACDSee Video Converter. You can also post to Facebook and Twitter all at the same time.
    • Designed for portable media devices - Start converting right away, thanks to optimized presets for all kinds of portable media devices such as the iPhone 5, the new iPad, Samsung Galaxy S III, Apple TV, PSP and Zune; mobile phones including HTC, Google Nexus One, Motorola, BlackBerry and Nokia; and game consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360.
    Download Here

    Saturday, August 10, 2013

    Download Game Resident Evil Revelations Full Version For PC

    Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game lagi kepada sahabat haramain software yaitu game Resident Evil Revelations. Game resident evil revelations ini adalah game yang direquest oleh salah satu sahabat haramain software yang baru bisa saya share sekarang kepada sahabat haramain software.
    Untuk sahabat haramain software yang merequest dan belum di postingkan requestnya admin minta maaf karena koneksi internet admin sedang down sehingga belum bisa banyak memposting request dari sahabat haramain software.
    Game resident evil revelations ini adalah game series resident evil yang sangat populer dan diterbitkan oleh Capcom.

    Screenshot :

    Minimum System Requirements :
    • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
    • Processor: Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz or better
    • Memory: 2GB
    • Hard disk space: 8GB
    • VGA: GeForce 8800 GT 256MB or better
    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Mount DVD 1 menggunakan daemon tools
    2. Install game via atutoplay
    3. Ketika menginstall apabila diminta insert DVD 2, maka mount lagi DVD 2 menggunakan daemon tools dan lanjutkan installasi
    4. Setelah selesai, Mainkan
    5. Enjoy
    Selamat mendownload dan bermain game resident evil revelations.

    Friday, August 9, 2013

    GridinSoft Trojan Killer SilenT + Patch

    GridinSoft Trojan Killer merupakan software yang sangat ampuh untuk memeriksa dan menghapus program-program jahat seperti adware, spyware, malware dan trojan yang sering kali terlewatkan dan tidak terbaca oleh Antivirus. Software ini sangat recommended di gunakan sebagai pendukung AntiVirus dalam mengamankan PC dari program-program jahat yang semakin hari semakin canggih.


    Additional Tools
    • Reset Internet Explorer Home/Start/Search Page Settings
    • Some Malware programs make changes to the Internet Explorer Home, Start and Search Page settings in order to re-direct the web browser to different websites.
    This Utility will reset the Home/Start/Search pages to standard Defaults. You can then manually reset your Home Page to your website of choice (or leave it "blank", the default).

    Reset HOSTS file
    The Windows HOSTS file is a text file which stores website addresses. The file can be used to speed up access to websites you visit often - by equating the website name (e.g. with its DNS address, the web browser can find the website more quickly as it does not have to query a DNS Name Server.
    Some Malware programs add entries to this file, to either deny access to websites (usually security-related or antivirus company websites), or to re-direct access to websites of their choosing.

    Reset Windows Update Policies
    Some Malware programs attempt to prevent Windows Update from running, and inhibit access to resetting Windows Update by blanking out the Windows Update options on the Update configuration screen.

    This Utility will check the current Windows Update settings and correct them where necessary.


    1. Unrar
    2. Install Trojan Killer
    3. Copy Patch ke dir instalasi programnya > Apply Patch (If Needed)
    4. Enjoy

    HyperSnap 7.25.03 Portable

    HyperSnap adalah cara tercepat dan termudah untuk mengambil gambar dari layar Windows, dan menangkap teks (TextSnap) dari tempat-tempat di mana copy teks normal tidak memungkinkan. HyperSnap menggabungkan kekuatan dari sebuah program kelas screen capture dengan utilitas editing gambar canggih yang dibungkus menjadi satu program yang mudah untuk digunakan!


    Top Features
    • TextSnap feature to capture editable text from almost anywhere on the screen. Can also capture tab-delimited data for easy paste into MS Excel.
    • New & powerful image capture, editing, annotation and manipulation tools.
    • Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX and Glide games.
    • Image stamps, frames, drop shadow, free-hand capture, FTP server uploads, more!
    • Automatic color substitution!
    • Non-rectangular window capture!
    • Button Capture - perfect for professional technical writers who need to snap and document dozens of buttons!
    • Auto-scrolls and concurrently captures long web pages and other. documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen.
    • Tightly integrates with the MS Windows clipboard to automate repetitive tasks - will even automatically PASTE capture images where needed!
    • Automatically saves your captures to graphics files.
    • Doubles as effective image viewer, format converter (over 20 image formats supported).
    • Fully customizable user interface. Rearrange menus and toolbars any way you want, assign any keyboard shortcuts you like, tear off menus to create instant toolbars, even control HyperSnap with voice commands!
    • Extended Window Capture function when running on Windows XP? . Resizes a window to be much bigger than the screen before the capture - in one quick step, no auto-scrolling!
    2013.08.09 HyperSnap 7.25.03 released
    • Corrected a problem with image orientation for some JPEG and TIFF files.


    1. Unrar
    2. Run HyperSnap 7.exe
    3. Go to Hell

    Download IDM 6.17 Build 7 Final Full + Patch 100% Working

    IDM atau Internet download manager seperti biasa kini sudah mengupdate versi terbarunya yaitu Internet download manager 6.17 build 7 Final.
    Pada versi terbarunya ini IDM memperbaharui  extensinya pada google chrome dan juga sudah suport mozilla firefox 25 dan jug Sea Monkey 2.20 dan yang pasti IDM atau internet download manager ini adalah andalan banyak orang termasuk saya juga karena mampu meningkatkan kecepatan download.
    IDM atau internet download manager 6.17 build 7 final ini juga sudah tentu saja saya sertakan dengan Patchnya yang 100% berfungsi dengan baik tanpa ada masalah sedikitpun kecuali bagi yang tidak paham cara penggunaannya.

    Screenshot :

    Link Download :

    Cara Install :
    1. Setelah download, jalankan idman617b6.exe kemudian install sampai selesai
    2. Setelah selesai jangan langsung dijalankan programnya, Kalau sudah terlanjur jalan, matikan lewat task manager ( untuk yang sebelumnya sudah menggunakan IDM, kemudian setelah install versi terbarunya ini diminta registrasi, langsung tutup saja permintaan registrasi tersebut )
    3. Jalankan Patch dengan cara klik kanan kemudian run as administrator
    4. kemudian klik patch
    5. Isikan nama terserah sobat ( ada 2 kali pengisian nama yaitu nama depan dan nama belakang )
    6. Kemudian klik OK
    7. Selesai. Sekarang jalankan IDM sobat dan lihat hasilnya.
    Selamat mendownload dan semoga bermanfaat.

    Thursday, August 8, 2013

    WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 7.3.0 Build 05082013 Full + Keygen

     WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 7.3.0 Build 05082013 Full + Keygen - DVD Ripper with professional features supports all commercial DVD and remove all restrictions can be. WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 7.3.0 Build 05082013 Full + Keygen It also provided the program allows you to convert and rip your DVD to AVI, DivX, MP4, MPEG1-2, FLV, WMV, ASF video file formats IPod, iPhone, mobile 3GP, PSP, PDA.

    Features of WinX DVD Ripper Platinum 7.3.0 Build 05082013 Full + Keygen:

    •      Rip DVD audio into MP3 music file.
    •      Support grabbing screenshot from DVD video.
    •      Enable to remove or choose subtitles for output videos.
    •      All video / audio parameters adjustable for users optimizing video quality.
    •      Supper fast ripping speed, up to 300% -500% real time.
    •      Best video / audio quality.
    •      Easy to use and 100% stable.
    •      Multiple DVD source supported as normal DVD, CSS protected DVD, region 1-6, comercial DVD, Sony ArccOS DVDs.
     Download Here

    Easy GIF Animator 5.6 Full + Crack

    Easy GIF Animator 5.6 Full + Crack is powerful yet very easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images. Easy GIF Animator 5.6 Full + Crackeditor you can easily create animated pictures, banners and buttons in no time. You can use special features to add stunning visual effects and prepare your animation for publishing on your web page. Easy GIF Animator supports all types of GIF animation and provides high compression and great quality for your animated GIF images. To top it all off, Easy GIF Animator is the best priced animated GIF editor on the market today.

    Main of Easy GIF Animator 5.6 Full + Crack:

        * Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons.
        * Create animated GIF images from scratch.
        * Edit and modify animated GIF images.
        * Add visual effects to your GIF animation.
        * Create moving text effects.
        * Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster.
        * Preview GIF animation in web browser.
        * Resize whole animations at once.
        * Manage animation frames.
        * Set animation loop count and frame duration.
        * Extract separate animation frames.
        * Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it.
        * Easily set transparency.
        * Add sound to your animation.
        * Save animation in SWF Flash format.
        * Search the Web to find images for use in your animation.
        * Export GIF animation to AVI format.
        * Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation.
        * Generate HTML code for publishing animation on the web.

    Download Here

    Best New Car Deals in August

    As automakers look to clear their lots of 2013 model year vehicles to make room for the 2014 models, they’ve added significant discounts to many vehicles. This month, there are many interest-free financing deals, cash back rebates and great lease deals on new vehicles, including both 2013 and 2014 models. Some lease deals don’t require a down payment, and there are low monthly lease payments available on a number of vehicles as well.
    Purchase Deals
    General Motors is offering low-interest financing deals on many of its vehicles, including Chevrolet, Buick and GMC vehicles. For buyers who prefer to bring their own financing, GM is also offering a number of cash-back deals. For example, affordable midsize SUVs like the 2013 Buick Enclave and GMC Acadia are available with either no-interest financing for five years or $1,500 cash back. Chevrolet is offering up to $5,000 cash back on the plug-in electric hybrid 2013 Volt.
    Other automakers are offering great purchase deals as well. Mazda is offering the 2013 Mazda3 with no-interest financing for five years in addition to $500 or $1,000 cash back, depending on where you live, or just $1,500 cash back without financing. Volkswagen is offering five years of no-interest financing on all of its 2013 models. Subaru is also offering no-interest financing on some of its 2013 models, including the Tribeca, Forester and Outback.
    Lease Deals
    Nissan is offering a good lease deal on the 2013 Altima, which is available for $199 per month for three years with $1,999 due at signing in most regions. Or if you’d prefer something a bit smaller, you can lease the 2013 Sentra for $159 a month for three years months with $2,399 due at signing. If you’re looking for something with a lower down payment, you can lease the 2014 Kia Forte for $179 a month for three years with $1,999 due at signing. If you like the redesigned 2014 GMC Sierra 1500, you can lease one for $399 a month for three years with $2,509 due at signing.
    There are a number of leases that don’t require a down payment at all. Keep in mind that the monthly payment on these models is typically higher than comparable models that do have a down payment. The 2013 Honda CR-V can be leased for $300 a month for three years months with no down payment, as well as no first-month’s payment, so you’re only paying for 35 months. Honda is offering a similar deal on the 2013 Accord, which can be leased for $280 a month for three years with no first month’s payment. Kia is offering the 2013 Soul with for $219 a month for three years with no down payment.

    Mesothelioma Attorney and the Next Steps

    We've all seen the class acti0n suit c0mmercials 0n televisi0n s0me with and s0me with0ut a specific Mesothelioma Attorney ass0ciated, but what d0es it mean f0r y0ur specific case. Y0u 0r a l0ved 0ne has been stricken with this life threatening disease and there is a c0mmercial 0n y0ur televisi0n ab0ut h0w y0u can sue s0me0ne f0r retributi0n.

    What will y0u d0 n0w?
    The asbest0s y0u 0r y0ur family has been exp0sed t0 has altered y0ur lives f0rever, the pr0cess 0f legal and m0netary c0mpensati0n can 0nly make up f0r any financial l0sses and c0ver expenses in the near future but it is a step in the right directi0n. Y0u're letting negligent c0mpanies kn0w that their lazy practices are danger0us f0r the c0nsumers using their pr0ducts and particularly detrimental t0 their b0tt0m line. S0metimes y0u have t0 hit s0me c0mpanies in their bank acc0unts bef0re they change practices that can change lives. It is ridicul0us that individuals and families are dealing with the effects 0f asbest0s in the 21st century but that is why experienced Mesothelioma Attorney is an excellent ally in winning y0ur settlement and helping y0u m0ve f0rward.

    A Mesothelioma Attorney helps each patient t0 immediately understand the pr0cess t0 filing a case and determining the venue f0r the lawsuit. First, y0u will meet with y0ur p0tential lawyer and team t0 review y0ur medical rec0rds and empl0yment hist0ry.

    Sec0nd, an investigati0n will be perf0rmed t0 pr0ve h0w y0u gradually gained exp0sure t0 the asbest0s. Third, y0ur meth0d 0f c0mpensati0n 0r legal pr0ceedings will be determined. Either the c0mpany that y0u have a hist0ry with has an asbest0s claims trust because it has already been determined that they have caused significant exp0sure 0ver the years 0f their manufacturing, 0r y0ur Attorney will have t0 pursue either a kn0wn suspect 0r new c0mpany. F0urth, y0u will have t0 familiarize y0urself with the applicable laws, pr0cessing time-frame and settlement 0pti0ns relative t0 y0ur case. Lastly, y0ur specific time frame and type 0f exp0sure will als0 affect y0ur case 0nce exp0sure and illness has been determined and the s0urce is identified as well. Fr0m here a f0rmal c0mplaint will be filed and y0u will be well 0n y0ur way t0 legal retributi0n f0r y0ur illness and l0ss thr0ugh0ut this pr0cess. With a l0ng time experienced Mesothelioma Attorney, a little bit 0f patients f0r the nearly 60 investigati0n and additi0nal m0nths f0r s0me settlements, will lead t0 c0mpensati0n.

    Tuesday, August 6, 2013

    Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 7 Full + Patch

    IDM 6.17 Build 5 Full Version + Patch + Crack Full Mediafire Download

      Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 7 Full + Patch has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 7 Full + Patch update 6 Agustus 2013, unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 7 Full + Patch segments downloaded files dynamically during download process.

      Internet Download Manager 6.17 Build 7 Full + Patch reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line.Internet Download Manager can dial your modem.

      Download Here

      Download Game Dynasty Warriors 7 Full Iso + Crack and Patch For PC

      Halo sahabat haramain software pencinta games. Kali ini haramain software akan bagikan game lagi kepada sahabat haramain software, dan game ini adalah request dari sahabat haramain software yaitu game Dynasty Warriors 7 For PC.
      Saya yakin sahabat haramain software tidak asing dengan game yang bernama dynasty warriors 7 ini karena game dynasty warriors 7 adalah game yang cukup populer dikalangan gamers baik itu yang suka bermain menggunakan PC maupun yang suka bermain PS.
      Dynasty warriors7  adalah game action yang dimana game ini merupakan seri ke 7 dari dynasty warriors yang dimana game ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi 3D sehingga terlihat lebih nyata.
      Game ini menceritakan tentang pejuang dari zaman 3 kerajaan di cina yang diangkat dari novel yang berjudul " Romance of the three kingdoms ".

      Screenshot :

      Minimum System Requirements :
      • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
      • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0Ghz/AMD Athlon XP
      • Memory: 1GB
      • Hard disk space: 13GB
      • VGA: NVIDIA GeForce 7300GT/ATI Radeon 9600 series
      Link Download :

      Cara Install :
      1. Mount DVD 1 menggunakan Daemon tools
      2. Install game via Autoplay, dan jika ada instruksi agar memasukkan DVD 2. maka Mount DVD 2 menggunakan daemon tools kemudian lanjutkan instalasi dan begitu juga untuk DVD 3
      3. Setelah Install Selesai, Extract Crack dan Patch dan copy file crack dan patch kemudian pastekan ditempat sobat HS menginstall game dynasty warriors 7 ini
      4. Jalankan Patch.bat dengan cara run as administrator
      5. Selesai. ( Apabila suatu hari terjadi crash, ulangi instruksi no 4 diatas )
      6. Enjoy
      Selamat mendownload dan bermain game dynasty warriors 7 ini dan semoga terhibur dan membantu sahabat haramain software. Bagi sahabat haramain software yang tidak ingin ketinggalan info terbaru dari haramain software, silahkan bergabung di Google+ admin haramain software dan juga follow blog dan like facebook page haramain software.

      Volkswagen TDI Models to Get New Diesel Engine

      Volkswagen's current 2.0-liter TDI Clean Diesel engine (Volkswagen of America)
      Volkswagen has announced that a new diesel engine will be available in 2015 Beetle, Golf, Jetta and Passat models, which will hit dealer lots by the second half of 2014. The automaker reports that the new engine will produce 236 pound-feet of torque and 150 horsepower, which is a 10 horsepower increase in comparison with the 2.0-liter TDI Clean Diesel engine that the automaker currently offers.
      Volkswagen Spokesman Mark Gilles tells Kicking Tires that the new engine should be more responsive and offer improved fuel economy. “It’s an all-new engine, to all intents and purposes,” Gillies says. “We’re hoping that it will give a probably somewhere around 8% bump to highway [fuel] economy.”
      Currently, Volkswagen models like the diesel-powered Golf and Jetta TDI return 30/42 mpg city/highway, or 34 mpg combined. An 8 percent improvement could mean that both cars will hit just over 45 mpg in highway driving. In comparison, the 2014 Chevrolet Cruze Turbo Diesel gets 46 mpg on the highway, but has slightly lower city and combined fuel economy estimates.
      Volkswagen notes that it has sold more than 47,000 diesel models so far this year, which includes 10,000 diesel vehicles sold last month. The automaker reports that its sales account for “nearly 78 percent of the diesel sales for passenger cars in the United States this year.”
      Diesel versions of the Volkswagen Beetle, Golf, Jetta and Passat currently command between $4,200 and $6,475 over their respective base models. However, a recent study indicates that lower ownership costs on diesel-powered Golf and Jetta models save their owners $5,013 and $3,128, respectively, over the course of three years.